81.   The survey, conducted by Boston researchers, provides some of the first data documenting how corporate sponsorship of research can restrict the free flow of scientific information.

82.   They forged a platform calling for joint institutions between Canada and an independent Quebec to assure the free flow of trade, labor, capital and people.

83.   They believe that the free flow of people across national borders, like that of goods and capital, leads to prosperity.

84.   They forged a platform calling for joint institutions between Canada and an independent Quebec to assure the free flow of trade, labor, capital, and people.

85.   This power means that whenever you stop analyzing and drop into free flow thought, your inner wisdom surfaces to help you out of whatever dilemma you face.

86.   Though the Web was initially hailed as a global digital library of Alexandria, it soon became apparent that the free flow of digital information had a darker side.

87.   Trade advocates and law enforcers say the concern is unfounded, but Teamsters and other opponents of the free flow of Mexican trucks believe the threat is real.

88.   Until that is resolved, the free flow of goods that enables the growth of economies is going to be stilted.

89.   Others spent the weekend relishing their final loads of laundry, long showers and dish washing, not knowing when the free flow of water would resume.

90.   Participants will deliberate on the ways to ensure a free flow of information between universities in Asia and Europe.

a. + flow >>共 581
steady 9.04%
free 8.22%
constant 2.60%
moist 2.05%
onshore 1.78%
natural 1.42%
return 1.42%
current 1.37%
continuous 1.37%
pyroclastic 1.23%
free + n. >>共 1035
market 7.36%
time 4.30%
safety 3.49%
access 2.67%
election 2.39%
movement 1.91%
service 1.84%
press 1.67%
expression 1.33%
ticket 1.29%
flow 1.14%
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