81.   Chechen rebels launched several attacks late Friday and Saturday against Russians forces around the eastern town of Novogrozny.

82.   The UN Protection Force Sunday strongly protested the use of heavy weapons by both Moslem and Serb forces around Sarajevo Saturday night.

83.   There were no Palestinian security forces around the university on the outskirts of Gaza City.

84.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali called on Greece and Turkey to withdraw their naval vessels and other forces from around the islet.

85.   UN spokesman Major Herve Gourmelon added that Bosnian Serb commanders were concentrating their forces around the town in order to defend it.

86.   US Defense Secretary William Perry on Wednesday tried to calm Russian fears that NATO was attempting to expand its forces around Russia.

87.   While diplomatic efforts went on Friday, the assailing forces around the Barclay centre fired sporadically at the rebels.

88.   UN spokesman Major Herve Gourmelon added that Bosnian Serb commanders were also concentrating their forces around the town in order to defend it.

89.   NATO troops deployed forces around the towns early Sunday but there was as yet no sign of a mass movement of Moslems, an IFOR officer said.

90.   Police riot squads were deployed in force around Al-Azhar Friday.

n. + around >>共 1464
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way 2.18%
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street 0.61%
force 0.29%
force + p. >>共 77
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of 16.07%
for 5.97%
on 5.42%
from 5.28%
with 4.31%
against 4.11%
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at 2.54%
around 0.52%
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