81.   But Thai environmental groups have said it will destroy fishing grounds and cause other ecological damage.

82.   But the plan has been stalled by strong opposition from Thai environmental groups who say the pipeline will destroy fishing grounds and cause other ecological damage.

83.   But many Asian countries dispute these principles, since so many countries in that part of the world rely on fishing grounds far away from their home waters.

84.   But the pipeline has been stalled by strong opposition from Thai environmental groups who have said it will destroy fishing grounds and cause other ecological damage.

85.   The scheme would allow inspectors to spot boats which have used up their quotas if they returned to fishing grounds.

86.   The plan has been stalled by strong opposition from Thai environmental groups who say the pipeline will destroy fishing grounds and cause other ecological damage.

87.   The Spratlys, believed to be a rich mineral deposit and fishing ground, are also claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam.

88.   The waters around the islands contain rich fishing grounds and are also thought to have promising oil and gas reserves.

89.   The waters around the islands are rich fishing grounds and are also thought to hold oil and gas reserves.

90.   Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Chien-jen said talks on the rich fishing grounds around the islands would be held in early October.

v. + ground >>共 527
lose 16.32%
gain 14.23%
break 7.20%
hit 5.92%
hold 3.92%
stand 3.65%
give 2.67%
have 2.38%
cover 2.35%
regain 2.11%
fish 1.37%
fish + n. >>共 378
boat 15.36%
right 9.61%
ground 4.88%
vessel 3.15%
net 3.15%
trip 2.49%
line 2.19%
quota 1.93%
dispute 1.73%
village 1.73%
每页显示:    共 95