81.   Peres tried to allay fears that U.S. troops would by vulnerable, saying he was not asking for a fighting force, but a symbolic presence.

82.   Rebel spokesman Eldred Collins said on a radio program Sunday that disarmament had transformed the rebel movement from a fighting force to a political party.

83.   Although the al-Qaida appear to have lost the core of their fighting force, the U.S. military is not relaxing.

84.   Any talks not including KLA, the main ethnic Albanian fighting force, would be pointless.

85.   And Tshisekedi must compete with Kabila, who firmly holds power and controls a loyal fighting force.

86.   And Chavez provoked a diplomatic row with neighboring Colombia earlier this month when he said Bogota had recognized leftist rebels as a legitimate fighting force.

87.   British fighting forces live in green tents next to the hospital.

88.   But both the Bosnian Serbs and the government have warned that the cease-fire could be jeopardized unless all fighting forces respect it.

89.   By crushing Huambo, they hoped to wipe out UNITA as an organized fighting force.

90.   Dostum commands the second-largest fighting force after the Taliban.

a. + force >>共 666
peacekeeping 7.32%
israeli 6.17%
serb 5.98%
russian 5.58%
military 4.81%
international 3.30%
multinational 2.62%
driving 1.82%
american 1.71%
political 1.40%
fighting 0.42%
fighting + n. >>共 379
force 11.25%
spirit 8.60%
vehicle 2.94%
spread 2.08%
terrorism 2.08%
tear 1.79%
crime 1.72%
word 1.72%
man 1.72%
drug 1.50%
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