81.   His lawyers have fought to keep the videotaped testimony under seal.

82.   Historically insurance agents have fought to keep the banks out of the insurance business, but given the legal changes, even the agents have thrown in the towel.

83.   His American lawyer, Norris E. Gelman, said he will fight to keep Einhorn in France while he files a motion for a new trial.

84.   His calm demeanor conceals a fierce competitor who fights to keep the game healthy.

85.   House Republicans, who had been fighting to keep the screeners private, also claimed victory.

86.   Hyde had to fight to keep the inquiry in his boisterous committee when House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested creating a select panel of members to deal with impeachment.

87.   I have earned my reputation for integrity, and I will fight to keep it.

88.   However, advocates for laws requiring child seatsnote that the airlines fight to keep customers and the industry devised frequent flier rewards.

89.   In fact, Robert would be dead now but for his mother and sister, Florence Wendland and Rebekah Vinson, fighting to keep him alive.

90.   In retaliation for her refusal, she said, she ultimately lost her job and had to fight to keep her welfare benefits.

v. + keep >>共 530
fight 13.88%
work 7.64%
do 6.39%
use 6.13%
can 4.63%
battle 1.61%
opt 1.46%
win 1.35%
lobby 1.30%
be 1.04%
fight + v. >>共 419
keep 10.25%
get 3.72%
oust 3.07%
save 2.84%
end 2.65%
overthrow 2.38%
stay 2.23%
preserve 2.15%
maintain 1.84%
have 1.80%
每页显示:    共 265