81.   Among the initiatives backed by finance ministers are the fight against inflation, medium-term fiscal consolidation, and reducing external imbalances such as trade.

82.   An effective fight against terrorism will require a sensible, consistent foreign policy.

83.   An international conference genuinely committed to the fight against racism, xenophobia, and intolerance would place Islamist violence and bigotry squarely in its spotlight.

84.   Analysts consider that decision would deprive Yavlinsky of a realistic chance of a successful electoral fight against Zyuganov.

85.   Among other things, Cohen won court fights against using trespass laws against union organizers who were being barred from access to workers in the fields.

86.   Analysts said the stock market rebound and apparent progress in the fight against terrorism are bolstering confidence.

87.   An experimental drug that holds great promise in the fight against blood cancer also may drive solid tumors into submission.

88.   And before he joined the fight against Fairway, he offered to help them with any zoning and permit problems that might arise.

89.   And Bush sided squarely with Israel and what he called its fight against terror.

90.   An option Lewis reportedly is already considering is an interim fight against former champion Buster Douglas.

n. + against >>共 787
charge 4.54%
action 3.46%
game 3.28%
sanction 2.93%
case 2.74%
campaign 2.72%
attack 2.67%
fight 2.46%
war 1.99%
match 1.82%
fight + p. >>共 78
against 33.23%
for 12.43%
with 11.71%
over 9.20%
in 8.19%
between 6.77%
on 2.73%
to 2.19%
at 2.14%
of 1.81%
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