81.   The proposal has touched off a fierce debate.

82.   The proposed nuclear waste disposal site has long been a matter of fierce debate.

83.   The personalities and emotions in the O.J. Simpson case have drawn obsessive public attention and generated a fierce debate about justice and press coverage.

84.   The religious freedom law had been the subject of fierce debate before and after its passage.

85.   The side effects of vaccination are a point of fierce debate.

86.   The show sparked a fierce on-line debate over whether the network had been irresponsible in airing such an intense hour without running a preshow disclaimer for pregnant viewers.

87.   The use of placebos in studies of maternal-infant AIDS infection has sparked a fierce international debate in recent months.

88.   The Woodside project, however, had become caught up in a fierce political debate over foreign ownership.

89.   Their existence sparks fierce debates in churches, courtrooms and schools.

90.   There has been a fierce debate inside the administration about whether or not to co-sponsor such a resolution this year.

a. + debate >>共 545
public 6.09%
national 4.36%
political 4.30%
presidential 4.18%
heated 3.99%
televised 3.29%
parliamentary 2.77%
first 2.68%
intense 1.76%
fierce 1.46%
fierce + n. >>共 679
competition 9.19%
battle 7.75%
opposition 4.52%
resistance 3.66%
debate 3.52%
wind 2.42%
criticism 2.30%
competitor 2.20%
clash 1.94%
attack 1.63%
每页显示:    共 146