81.   Place on the plate and crumble feta cheese on top.

82.   Bradley began today with a stop at the Titan Food Greek grocery in Astoria, N.Y., sampling the feta cheese and baklava.

83.   Bradley began Tuesday with a stop at the Titan Food Greek grocery in Astoria, N.Y., sampling the feta cheese and baklava.

84.   Even the food is radically different, as anyone can attest who has compared Greek feta cheese to Dutch gouda, or Italian mozzarella to German Limburger.

85.   Feta cheese was included on the original list as a distinctive product of Greece.

86.   Feta cheese from Denmark?

87.   His work could wait until he finished breakfast - a large piece of bread and a small piece of feta cheese provided by local residents.

88.   Next are bricks of milky white plastic explosive resembling feta cheese.

89.   Next were bricks of milky-white plastic explosive resembling feta cheese.

90.   Now, Danish producers are not allowed to market their own feta cheese in the EU despite a booming business.

n. + cheese >>共 128
goat 32.70%
feta 12.30%
ricotta 5.27%
cheddar 4.73%
mozzarella 4.73%
low-fat 2.57%
parmesan 2.43%
raw-milk 2.03%
string 1.62%
farmhouse 1.35%
feta + n. >>共 6
cheese 93.81%
name 2.06%
cube 1.03%
mixture 1.03%
salad 1.03%
spread 1.03%
每页显示:    共 90