81.   The agency is charged with finding illegal immigrants, who have become a favorite target of angry voters.

82.   The area is also thick with restaurants and bars, which have become favorite targets of late for Palestinian suicide bombers.

83.   The characters and events of our past are favorite targets for filmmakers.

84.   The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, the largest in the country, is considered among the most liberal, making it a favorite target of conservatives.

85.   The favorite targets of terrorists have long been oil companies, financial institutions, utilities, nuclear power plants and federal government facilities.

86.   The Democrats unveiled two TV commercials at a press conference that rang with denunciations of their favorite target in past attack ads, Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

87.   The Giants came out throwing, Graham trying to hit his favorite target, Amani Toomer, on the first play.

88.   The much maligned Titans owner, Bud Adams, was a favorite target for criticism when thoughts turned to what might have been.

89.   The one constant though is that Sharpe is a favorite target of quarterback John Elway.

90.   The quarterback will be looking for his favorite target, senior Jerome Pathon.

a. + target >>共 508
military 5.19%
easy 4.03%
takeover 3.57%
potential 3.40%
prime 3.40%
main 2.58%
civilian 2.38%
israeli 2.28%
frequent 2.27%
possible 2.15%
favorite 1.52%
favorite + n. >>共 1438
target 2.44%
spot 1.90%
team 1.72%
player 1.67%
food 1.60%
place 1.50%
sport 1.45%
subject 1.39%
restaurant 1.32%
pastime 1.29%
每页显示:    共 152