81.   Factors would include whether or not there was any paramilitary activity, including surveillance, targeting and weapons preparation.

82.   Those factors include expansion and renewal of the fleet, startup of new routes, and an increase passenger flow mainly in low-fare market segments.

83.   Negative factors mentioned included a consumption tax rise from three percent to five percent on Tuesday and other deflation factors in fiscal policies.

84.   Other negative factors at play include the ongoing net sales by overseas investors which could harm local retail investors.

85.   Other contributing factors included ongoing financial reform, a steadier political situation, a firmer stock market and public works projects, he added.

86.   The central banker said non-monetary factors include budgetary policies and social policies, especially in connection with wages.

87.   The factors included a high calorie and fat intake, obesity and little physical activity.

n. + include >>共 1161
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list 1.51%
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figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
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factor 0.19%
factor + v. >>共 367
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