81.   HP executives declined to give details about future cost-cutting plans.

82.   His former dealership is now under new management, and executives there declined to comment on his remarks.

83.   IBM executives declined to comment Wednesday.

84.   Ideal executives declined to be interviewed.

85.   In a conference call with investors and Wall Street analysts, Nvidia executives repeatedly declined to provide additional information about the internal investigation or the SEC or criminal inquiries.

86.   In registration for its offering, Renaissance Solutions executives declined to comment.

87.   Intel executives decline to discuss the matter.

88.   Instinet executives declined comment today.

89.   J. Crew executives declined to be interviewed.

90.   Its executives also declined to be interviewed by Bloomberg Business News.

n. + decline >>共 582
official 20.84%
spokesman 8.98%
company 4.99%
spokeswoman 3.23%
stock 2.95%
police 2.86%
price 2.71%
executive 1.51%
authority 1.49%
prosecutor 1.13%
executive + v. >>共 542
say 27.99%
be 8.26%
have 2.01%
decline 1.65%
acknowledge 1.08%
make 1.08%
argue 0.92%
tell 0.88%
agree 0.87%
take 0.86%
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