81.   So far, there is evidence only that Huang had authorized access to classified information and the opportunity to pass it on.

82.   Spontaneous platelet aggregation Several studies have attempted to assess whether there is evidence of increased circulating platelet aggregates in diabetic subjects.

83.   Such a contention is, of course, unprovable, since all the evidence is circumstantial and associative.

84.   The best evidence for this is that young stray chicks are often adopted by birds that are not their parents.

85.   The central dogma is of course a theory, but there is no evidence to suggest that it is wrong.

86.   The clearest evidence for this is the dearth of people keen to work with frail older people.

87.   The County Sheriff emphasized that there was no evidence to show that the driver had been drinking.

88.   The court found, however, that there was no evidence that local conditions had changed.

89.   The court held that there was no evidence to suggest that the Decision to exclude was unreasonable on Wednesbury grounds.

90.   The evidence against him is extremely flimsy.

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evidence + v. >>共 347
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