81.   Moscow also exerts enormous influence on Georgia and the pipeline must pass through Georgia to reach Turkey.

82.   Motta wielded enormous influence, both as head of a strategic cabinet post and as the close personal friend and business partner of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

83.   Mrs. Gandhi holds no political office, but she wields enormous influence over the government and the Congress Party.

84.   Ms. Gandhi herself became a member of the Congress Party only recently, but she holds enormous influence over it.

85.   Political analyst Jim McQueeny said such control gives Senate presidents enormous influence, making it unlikely DiFrancesco or Bennett - his second-in-command - will face much internal opposition.

86.   She also said her alleged enormous influence over her father was overplayed.

87.   She played down reports that she has enormous influence over her father.

88.   Speaking to the ITAR-Tass news agency, she played down reports that she has enormous influence over her father.

89.   Such moves have been strongly opposed by the religious establishment that wields enormous influence in the kingdom.

90.   Such moves have been strongly opposed by the religious establishment, which has enormous influence in the conservative kingdom.

a. + influence >>共 850
political 7.63%
considerable 4.10%
strong 3.71%
growing 2.54%
great 2.45%
major 2.29%
enormous 1.85%
greater 1.79%
western 1.79%
undue 1.65%
enormous + n. >>共 1428
amount 5.07%
pressure 3.83%
power 2.72%
influence 1.85%
potential 1.78%
cost 1.48%
problem 1.34%
challenge 1.23%
number 1.10%
impact 1.07%
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