81.   Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey and Archbishop of York John Habgood, who set up the commission last year, endorsed its proposals.

82.   As a result, all members endorsed a proposal to maintain existing policy, with a bias toward higher rates if future conditions warranted.

83.   But center-right parties have endorsed the proposal, which should give the government the votes it needs.

84.   But Chatu Mongkol Sonakul, permanent secretary of the Thai finance ministry, said the IMF was not yet ready to formally endorse its proposal the meeting.

85.   But they failed to endorse proposals for an Asian currency-defense fund or new market surveillance mechanisms.

86.   China has never publicly endorsed the proposal, made by Clinton and Kim in South Korea.

87.   Delegates at a national party convention overwhelmingly endorsed the proposal initiated by Oskar Lafontaine, a foreign-policy leftist who ousted Rudolf Scharping as party chairman on Thursday.

88.   During the commission meeting last week, the Russians failed to convince the group to endorse proposals that the United States and Britain strongly opposed.

89.   FDIC Chairwoman Donna Tanoue, on the other hand, endorsed the proposal.

90.   German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer endorsed proposal Saturday that would ease U.N. trade sanctions on Iraq.

v. + proposal >>共 421
reject 11.10%
make 4.92%
discuss 4.11%
submit 3.87%
accept 3.25%
approve 2.98%
consider 2.81%
present 2.59%
support 2.25%
study 2.04%
endorse 1.33%
endorse + n. >>共 698
plan 6.62%
candidate 6.30%
idea 5.10%
proposal 4.11%
bill 2.28%
measure 2.02%
legislation 1.74%
product 1.65%
agreement 1.63%
effort 1.63%
每页显示:    共 143