81.   Like other top-tier computer makers, IBM often earns fatter profits by helping others use technology than it does building hardware in the first place.

82.   Last week, Philips said that it might not earn a profit this year.

83.   Lower trading volume can hurt brokerages because they earn profits from transactions commissions levied according to the number and value of shares traded.

84.   Many sell at unheard-of multiples of revenues and have no immediate prospect of earning a profit.

85.   McNair said he realized he was paying a premium, but he expects the team to earn a profit after the start-up years.

86.   Mutual fund companies earn their profits from the fees they charge to manage the assets of their funds.

87.   Most of the high-flyers earn slim profits, if any.

88.   Nonetheless, GM has earned substantial profits recently.

89.   No matter what company wins the right to earn the profits, it is the better technology that tends to win out in the end.

90.   Not only does that site earn a profit from the Internet ads it sells, but ABC believes it also helps build a loyal TV audience.

v. + profit >>共 638
make 9.97%
take 7.65%
boost 6.61%
turn 5.52%
hurt 4.83%
report 2.72%
increase 2.34%
generate 1.94%
reap 1.92%
earn 1.81%
earn + n. >>共 746
money 9.99%
degree 5.01%
living 4.90%
reputation 4.63%
respect 3.59%
doctorate 2.88%
right 2.81%
point 2.68%
spot 2.47%
profit 2.34%
每页显示:    共 176