81.   The world surplus of oil and weak prices are expected to dominate discussions at a meeting of Arab oil ministers that opens Sunday in Syria.

82.   Troubled relations among major powers such as Japan, China and the United States dominated discussions Monday as foreign ministers met in the annual Southeast Asian security forum.

83.   Those two views are likely to dominate the discussions during the APEC summit, but are expected to be papered over before the final statement is issued.

84.   Topics expected to dominate discussion during the five-day conference include terrorism, the worldwide recession and eradicating poverty.

85.   French nuclear tests in the Pacific and the Spratly Islands dispute pitting China against four ASEAN members are expected to dominate discussions at the ARF.

86.   He said the implications of the killing would dominate discussions Monday in Ballyconnell, Northern Ireland, with British Secretary of State for the province, Sir Patrick Mayhew.

87.   In Syria, the official Tishrin newspaper said the Clinton-Netanyahu meetings had not enabled the resumption of peace talks even though the subject dominated their discussions.

88.   A growing sense of change in the Olympic sponsorship market dominated discussions here at an international sports business conference.

89.   Ahtisaari met for over an hour with Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, with Nordic membership in the EU dominating the discussion.

90.   Bosnia and Russia were set to dominate foreign policy discussions.

v. + discussion >>共 486
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