81.   I said, well look, we intend to fax through to Roy saying, yes we want to do business with you.

82.   This is the, the room where we think probably the owners of the house sort of did their business and met their private customers.

83.   The Chipping Campden ban comes into effect in the autumn -- lorry drivers doing regular business in the town have until then to apply for special permits.

84.   He says that he has to do business with Foxhunters.

85.   One English League boss was once asked, apparently, what it was like doing business with the Liverpool manager.

86.   Mr Fitzpatrick and his son had checked into a hotel and had planned to stay for several days while Liam did some business.

87.   He claimed foreign crews were paid a pittance and the EC must take a stand by refusing to do business until minimum standards were met.

88.   He described Mr Clinton as a man with whom it was very easy to do business.

89.   I watch Southport, who have been doing the business this season, and I have noticed an increase in our crowd attendances.

90.   As the days passed difference were definitely beginning to show, the Applecross caf was doing great business.

v. + business >>共 684
do 25.56%
have 3.61%
conduct 3.37%
run 2.91%
start 2.25%
expand 2.17%
sell 1.54%
lose 1.41%
build 1.34%
hurt 1.24%
do + n. >>共 627
business 10.21%
thing 8.90%
job 8.34%
work 7.25%
best 4.86%
lot 2.52%
damage 2.37%
research 1.79%
part 1.63%
homework 1.54%
每页显示:    共 4171