81.   TV does it better every week.

82.   Unsecured creditors of Eastern Airlines did no better.

83.   What makes IBM think it can do any better?

84.   When I look at the communities around the country that are doing a better job, it without exception has been because of the leadership of a single individual.

85.   Why should anyone believe that Romney, in tandem with a rich running mate chosen strictly for female window dressing, will do any better?

86.   Wilson has done no better suing the federal government for the cost of supporting illegal immigrants in California.

87.   Will companies like Questia Media and Ebrary.com do any better?

88.   Winning Colors had won the Kentucky Derby and finished third in the Preakness but she could do no better than sixth in the Belmont.

89.   Will Medicare do any better?

90.   Yeah, the ragamuffin United States hoops team did no better than a bronze medal in the World Championships.

v. + better >>共 192
get 21.78%
fare 20.88%
deserve 10.34%
do 7.98%
have 5.81%
know 2.68%
feel 1.92%
finish 1.47%
work 1.34%
go 1.21%
do + n. >>共 627
business 10.21%
thing 8.90%
job 8.34%
work 7.25%
best 4.86%
lot 2.52%
damage 2.37%
research 1.79%
part 1.63%
homework 1.54%
better 0.30%
每页显示:    共 124