81.   He won division titles there, played in a couple of no-hitters, hit for the cycle.

82.   Hess, though, allowed Joe Walton to coach the Jets for seven seasons, longer than any coach has without winning an American Conference division title.

83.   His Fayetteville club in the South Atlantic League won the second-half division title last season, earning him recognition from the Tigers organization.

84.   Hicks started off as a baseball owner with the Rangers winning consecutive division titles.

85.   His resume is highlighted by seven playoff appearances, five division titles and three conference crowns.

86.   His theory is to keep winning division titles and hopefully something good will eventually happen in the playoffs.

87.   Houston can secure its fourth division title in five years as early as Friday.

88.   His team, after all, clinched a playoff berth in August and a division title early in September.

89.   However, after the first round, the team with the best record has the home-court advantage regardless of a division title.

90.   I believe we can win a division title.

n. + title >>共 462
world 17.59%
division 9.12%
league 7.15%
heavyweight 6.01%
season 4.65%
year 3.40%
single 2.31%
tournament 2.31%
career 2.29%
conference 2.12%
division + n. >>共 298
title 15.85%
club 9.73%
series 5.91%
championship 5.34%
side 4.87%
leader 4.43%
champion 3.68%
race 3.55%
rival 3.24%
team 3.21%
每页显示:    共 466