81.   Turkish troops seized two Greek Cypriot fishermen off the coast Saturday, U.N. officials and police said, in in the latest confrontation on the divided Mediterranean island.

82.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Wednesday deplored recent violence in Cyprus and called on Greek and Turkish leaders to defuse tensions on the divided Mediterranean island.

83.   U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan tried Saturday to convince the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state to resume negotiations aimed at bringing peace to the divided Mediterranean island.

84.   U.S. presidential envoy Richard Holbrooke held separate talks with Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders Saturday but reported no breakthrough in his efforts to defuse tensions on the divided island.

85.   Turkey on Friday warned Cyprus not to deploy additional short-range surface-to-air missiles on the divided island.

86.   Turkey urged the Greek Cypriots on Wednesday to reconsider its offer of a two-state confederation on the divided island as a way to restart deadlocked unification talks.

87.   Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash on Friday proposed to Greek Cypriots a non-aggression pact to ensure peace on this divided Mediterranean island.

88.   Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash on Tuesday proposed setting up a joint commission with Greek Cypriots to settle property claims by people on both sides of the divided island.

89.   Turkish Cypriot officials on Friday denied claims by Greek Cypriots that Turkey has beefed up its military presence in the northern part of the divided island.

90.   Turkish Cypriots decided to stick with Denktash at a time of mounting Western pressure for reunification of the divided island.

a. + island >>共 779
caribbean 8.48%
small 5.57%
mediterranean 5.19%
disputed 4.13%
tiny 3.92%
pacific 3.53%
southern 3.14%
divided 2.27%
nationalist 2.11%
remote 2.04%
divided + n. >>共 223
city 13.16%
island 10.77%
peninsula 8.38%
government 4.70%
country 4.23%
nation 3.61%
state 3.07%
town 3.07%
loyalty 2.93%
opposition 2.66%
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