81.   The Appellate Division dismissed the suit on other grounds.

82.   The commission dismissed the suit.

83.   The court agreed and dismissed the suit.

84.   The District Court dismissed the suit for lack of admiralty jurisdiction, but the Court of Appeals reversed.

85.   The city has moved to dismiss the suit.

86.   The firm has also moved to dismiss the suit on the grounds that architects are not specifically designated by law as liable parties.

87.   The District Court dismissed the suit, holding that the Act does not apply to lawyers engaging in litigation.

88.   The judge in this case eventually dismissed the suit.

89.   The judge, William L. Shadoan, dismissed the suits, ruling that only the killer could be held liable for his crime.

90.   The parties later agreed to dismiss the suit.

v. + suit >>共 443
file 31.44%
follow 30.27%
wear 4.37%
bring 3.19%
settle 2.94%
dismiss 2.34%
drop 1.90%
join 1.19%
win 1.03%
see 0.59%
dismiss + n. >>共 1065
charge 6.63%
case 5.80%
suggestion 4.77%
report 4.56%
claim 4.12%
idea 3.37%
notion 2.88%
allegation 2.64%
criticism 2.61%
concern 2.52%
suit 1.75%
每页显示:    共 170