81.   North Korea renewed diplomatic contact with the United States on a stalled nuclear reactor deal but has not agreed to resume negotiations, the U.S. State Department said Tuesday.

82.   Sharon is expected to ask that the United States suspend diplomatic contact with Arafat.

83.   Sudan also is under U.N. sanctions, which limit diplomatic contact.

84.   South Korean officials want to avoid holding too many inter-Korean events at Diamond Mountain, possibly fearing that North Korea is trying to dictate terms of their diplomatic contacts.

85.   Such a diplomatic contact was in the offing before the recent souring of relations.

86.   The apparent effort to circumvent the sanctions came as Egypt was carrying out diplomatic contacts to find a legal way to fly the pilgrims.

87.   The EU will also step up diplomatic contacts with Russia, Arab nations and the United States, Pique said.

88.   The EU also will step up diplomatic contacts with Russia, Arab nations and the United States, Pique said.

89.   The office is the only diplomatic contact between the countries.

90.   The sanctions ban air travel to and from Libya, limit diplomatic contacts and bar the sale of aircraft parts.

a. + contact >>共 698
direct 7.67%
close 6.58%
official 3.21%
first 3.13%
physical 3.10%
regular 2.98%
personal 2.91%
diplomatic 2.78%
sexual 2.65%
high-level 2.35%
diplomatic + n. >>共 581
source 11.25%
tie 9.02%
effort 7.49%
mission 5.19%
solution 3.14%
pressure 2.10%
channel 1.78%
recognition 1.70%
contact 1.38%
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