81.   The privately held company makes low-power digital subscriber line chip sets and other network technology.

82.   The package includes Internet access via digital subscriber line, a high-speed technology that runs over standard phone wiring.

83.   The providers would in turn bring high-speed Internet service to their customers through cable modems and digital subscriber lines that use telephone wires.

84.   The problems at Covad suggest that a shakeout may have begun at companies providing fast Internet access over digital subscriber lines, referred to as DSL in industry jargon.

85.   The services are called ISDN, for integrated services digital network, and ADSL, for asymmetric digital subscriber line.

86.   The technology is known as digital subscriber line, or DSL.

87.   The technology, known as a digital subscriber line, is the same as used by Southwestern Bell to offer its high-speed Internet service.

88.   This would place the satellites in competition with cable modems and digital subscriber telephone lines, which are now starting to offer high-speed Internet access.

89.   This technology and other flavors of digital subscriber lines have been around for a long time, but the phone companies have quarreled bitterly over a standard.

90.   To use the Honeywell WebPAD, the user connects a base unit to a high-capacity Internet connection, either a broadband cable or digital subscriber line.

a. + subscriber >>共 165
digital 21.27%
new 19.33%
individual 2.64%
current 2.28%
potential 2.28%
high-speed 2.11%
cellular 1.76%
wireless 1.41%
paying 1.41%
asymmetric 1.23%
digital + n. >>共 1094
camera 8.39%
technology 5.54%
television 4.66%
signal 2.70%
music 2.24%
image 2.04%
service 1.80%
age 1.65%
phone 1.51%
subscriber 1.40%
每页显示:    共 120