81.   Different sets of realities, I just thought to comment on.

82.   Determining the age and identity of the bettor requires a different set of technologies.

83.   Down syndrome researchers, however, face a different set of problems.

84.   Each of the foreign assets had a different set of ownership rules, banking covenants and legal restrictions.

85.   Each of the services has a different set of requirements for configuring the core design of the Joint Strike Fighter.

86.   Each of these narratives also suggests a different set of policy solutions.

87.   Each pair of lobes controls a different set of skills or sensations.

88.   Each faction plays by a different set of rules, based on its values, economic behavior and political philosophy.

89.   Ed Welniak, chief of the income surveys branch, said a test done by the bureau found differences in the way people answer different sets of income questions.

90.   Eller said industrialization brought better roads, better communication and a different set of values to Appalachia.

a. + set >>共 478
second 18.42%
first 14.73%
third 7.88%
new 5.60%
straight 5.49%
final 3.31%
different 2.51%
opening 1.88%
fourth 1.84%
the 1.37%
different + n. >>共 1053
way 3.56%
kind 2.51%
story 2.01%
type 1.82%
approach 1.73%
view 1.62%
part 1.49%
thing 1.37%
time 1.23%
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set 0.61%
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