81.   Many developing economies fear their infant industries would be swamped by products from more advanced countries under such an agreement.

82.   On the other hand, the developing economies which have exhibited fairly high growth expect to maintain these relatively high growth rates.

83.   Some developing APEC economies had earlier expressed caution over the US proposal, citing the disparity between the rich and developing APEC members.

84.   Some developing APEC economies feel they are not ready to open their information technology markets.

85.   The agency said it hoped to closely work with Indian corporations in light of its experience in the developing economies of Latin America and Southeast Asia.

86.   The Commerce Department frequently cites Indonesia, a developing economy whose data are relatively more accessible and reliable, to establish dumping criteria in other command economies.

87.   The effects of foreign direct investment on developing economies will also be studied, he said, along with private companies from around the world.

88.   The effects of foreign direct investment on developing economies will also be studied, he said, in conjunction with private companies from around the world.

a. + economy >>共 567
global 4.44%
slowing 4.17%
japanese 3.91%
strong 3.15%
asian 2.99%
local 2.91%
american 2.43%
new 2.41%
national 2.03%
booming 1.98%
developing 0.38%
developing + n. >>共 639
nation 26.97%
world 17.86%
economy 2.51%
market 2.31%
technology 1.71%
software 1.03%
weapon 0.94%
fetus 0.83%
storm 0.77%
drug 0.77%
每页显示:    共 87