81.   The already weak sentiment was compounded by the deteriorating financial situation in South Korea, which was expected to soon seek a rescue package from the International Monetary Fund.

82.   The EU, which is very dependent on oil imports, is worried that the deteriorating situation could disrupt the flow of oil from the region.

83.   The commander of U.N. forces in Bosnia, Lt. Gen. Rupert Smith, was to meet Serb leaders to discuss the deteriorating situation and a standoff over Sarajevo airport.

84.   The deteriorating situation around Bihac followed talks between government and Bosnian Serb representatives aimed at securing a cease-fire.

85.   The deteriorating situation around Bihac followed talks in Sarajevo between government and Bosnian Serb representatives aimed at securing a cease-fire.

86.   The deteriorating situation had prompted the Algerian Government to allow a European Union fact-finding mission into the country.

87.   The drop is blamed on the deteriorating political situation in the Middle East.

88.   The EU team, which includes British European Commisssioner Chris Patten, will meet Western ambassadors late Thursday for a briefing on the deteriorating situation in Zimbabwe.

89.   The deteriorating situation also has delayed indefinitely a U.N. plan to fly the refugees to the Rwandan border, then repatriate them, Stromberg said.

90.   The deteriorating situation in Bosnia has alarmed senior U.N. officials and governments contributing troops to the U.N. force.

a. + situation >>共 632
economic 6.33%
current 5.75%
political 4.55%
sexual 3.56%
similar 3.51%
difficult 2.39%
same 2.01%
financial 1.93%
emergency 1.73%
such 1.61%
deteriorating 1.55%
deteriorating + n. >>共 181
situation 21.88%
condition 10.77%
health 7.79%
relation 6.30%
security 5.04%
economy 4.24%
weather 1.37%
building 1.37%
law 1.26%
relationship 1.26%
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