81.   Immigration officials began deportation proceedings last month.

82.   Immigration officials said they would initiate deportation proceedings against Slade.

83.   Immigration Minister Lucienne Robillard could also begin deportation proceedings against him.

84.   Immigration officers said deportation proceedings are being prepared against Clarke.

85.   It also would hasten deportation proceedings for people considered security risks.

86.   INS agents took Dorelien to the Krome Service Processing Center in Miami-Dade County for deportation proceedings, he said.

87.   It also would hasten deportation proceedings.

88.   Nemsila was one of four people facing deportation proceedings because of alleged crimes in World War II.

89.   Ninety cases are being actively pursued, and deportation proceedings are under way in nine of the cases.

90.   Police entered a hospital and seized a Ugandan man who was a psychiatric patient, taking him into custody to begin deportation proceedings.

n. + proceeding >>共 171
impeachment 21.86%
court 20.30%
bankruptcy 10.52%
extradition 9.14%
divorce 6.16%
deportation 5.05%
trial 1.70%
arbitration 1.70%
eviction 1.29%
contempt 1.10%
deportation + n. >>共 73
order 26.86%
proceeding 19.43%
hearing 16.43%
case 4.24%
procedure 3.71%
process 2.83%
law 1.59%
center 1.59%
rule 1.41%
train 1.24%
每页显示:    共 109