81.   In Georgia, Roy Barnes, a state representative, held the seat being vacated by the Democratic governor, Zell Miller.

82.   In the end, the justices -- all appointed by Democratic governors -- were inscrutable.

83.   In Vermont, Mills worked under a Democratic governor.

84.   In the three states with Democratic governors, Colorado, Nebraska and Nevada, Republican candidates approach the elections with leads in opinion polls.

85.   In this year of political nastiness, George W. Bush ran a conspicuously clean campaign against Ann Richards, the popular Democratic governor of Texas.

86.   In two states with Democratic governors, Colorado and Nevada, Republican candidates approach the elections with thin leads in opinion polls.

87.   Indiana is now the only Great Lakes state with a Democratic governor, but a poll taken last month suggests that could change in November.

88.   It has a Democratic governor, two liberal Democratic senators, and both houses of its Legislature are firmly in Democratic hands.

89.   Into the subsequent gap of possibilities steps Gov. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, the lone woman among the meager crop of Democratic governors.

90.   It was a day of sharp policy differences and high political theater involving the Republican president and the Democratic governor.

a. + governor >>共 464
former 19.26%
republican 12.87%
provincial 6.01%
state 5.40%
democratic 4.72%
new 4.50%
regional 3.62%
acting 3.21%
first 1.81%
local 1.57%
democratic + n. >>共 530
candidate 5.81%
leader 5.70%
reform 4.34%
nomination 3.09%
senator 2.47%
primary 2.37%
nominee 1.81%
election 1.49%
lawmaker 1.42%
president 1.42%
governor 1.14%
每页显示:    共 236