81.   Some wanted to loot shops, a police official, who demanded anonymity, said.

82.   Sources at the ministry, who demanded anonymity, said Australia has offered to train some Cambodian officers, but the ability to understand English is a prerequisite.

83.   Since early this week, two helicopters have struck at least four times a day, said a high-ranking officer who demanded anonymity.

84.   Sources in the National League for Democracy, who demanded anonymity, said Suu Kyi came to a birthday party for the grandchild of party vice chairman Tin Oo.

85.   Thai military and Khmer Rouge sources, who demanded anonymity, gave heart failure as the cause of death.

86.   Someone may have lost a post due to the story, said the official, who demanded anonymity.

87.   Suu Kyi has been under pressure to take some sort of action or risk losing credibility at home and internationally, said a diplomat in Rangoon who demanded anonymity.

88.   The aide demanded anonymity.

89.   The coalition agreed on a government program and said the texts would be officially approved on Sunday, a government official, who demanded anonymity, said.

90.   The bus was on a return trip from London when it went off the road for no apparent reason, a police official, who demanded anonymity, said.

v. + anonymity >>共 89
request 66.60%
demand 12.08%
grant 1.28%
preserve 1.28%
protect 1.18%
use 1.18%
prefer 1.08%
maintain 0.98%
promise 0.98%
guarantee 0.88%
demand + n. >>共 772
release 5.06%
money 3.03%
resignation 2.99%
end 2.49%
compensation 2.19%
return 2.07%
apology 1.76%
action 1.76%
change 1.72%
explanation 1.64%
anonymity 0.96%
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