81.   The US delegation said it did not plan any press conference Sunday.

82.   The United States and North Korea on Sunday broke off talks on North Korean missile exports, the North Korean delegation said.

83.   Turkey promised to provide two million dollars for troop training and representatives of other governments said they would consult their governments before taking any decision, delegations said.

84.   Turkey promised to provide two million dollars for troop training, delegations said.

85.   When they finally resumed, the talks broke down after delegations said the latest proposals were unacceptable.

86.   It was not immediately clear if the negotiations would continue into Tuesday and the US delegation said it expected to put out a statement Monday evening.

87.   Representatives of other governments said they would consult their governments before taking any decision, delegations said.

88.   Russian forces are systematically violating human rights in Chechnya, an EU delegation said here Friday.

89.   Sunday, the Chechen delegation said it had uncovered a Russian bomb plot against Dudayev.

90.   The Canadian delegation said that the Geneva forum would not concentrate principally on dedicating funds.

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