81.   He noted concern that cuts in state spending to meet the deficit target would weaken activity further.

82.   Argentina is set to move Wednesday to a unified, floating exchange rate after announcing its budget deficit target this year is of three billion pesos.

83.   Argentina announced Sunday it will move to a unified, floating exchange rate on Wednesday, and set a budget deficit target of three billion pesos this year.

84.   And the President of the EU Commission, Jacques Santer, also signalled that most EU countries would be within qualifying range of the deficit target.

85.   The promises would enable Germany to achieve the public deficit targets it had set itself within the framework of the European growth and stability pact, Eichel said.

86.   The timetable began to slip and countries realized late in the day that they would have to slash public spending to meet the deficit targets.

87.   Paris, like Bonn, is struggling to meet the deficit targets set the Maastricht.

88.   The budget deficit target had been exceeded by eight percent, he said.

89.   The budget deficit target had been exceeded by eight percent, Chubais said.

90.   The deficit target is closely tracked by business because it is key to government efforts to keeping interest rates low and stimulating economic activity.

n. + target >>共 472
inflation 4.52%
growth 4.20%
deficit 4.15%
guerrilla 4.01%
acquisition 3.97%
government 3.79%
reduction 3.33%
budget 2.51%
emission 2.37%
price 2.24%
deficit + n. >>共 171
reduction 25.81%
target 10.12%
hawk 6.12%
problem 3.78%
figure 3.45%
disorder 3.34%
budget 2.67%
plan 2.67%
limit 2.56%
cut 1.56%
每页显示:    共 90