81.   If Jeyaretnam does not pay, he can be declared bankrupt and deprived of his seat.

82.   In August the government declared it bankrupt, saying the financial plight resulted from unprofitable contracts and overemployment.

83.   Irving was declared bankrupt in March after failing to pay legal costs to American academic Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher, Penguin.

84.   It is unlikely that the damages award can ever be paid, however, as the cult has been declared bankrupt.

85.   It was the first South Korean securities company to be declared bankrupt under strict conditions linked to the IMF loan.

86.   Kevin Maxwell has declared himself bankrupt and both brothers are getting legal aid from the government to pay their defense lawyers.

87.   Last week, a small private bank was declared bankrupt.

88.   Many of them have been declared bankrupt and forced to live with this stigma without any avenues to voice the unjust treatment by banks.

89.   Mineralbank was one of three banks recently declared bankrupt.

90.   On Thursday, trading house Sammi Corp. was declared bankrupt, and chain collapses were feared for the remaining three subsidiaries.

v. + bankrupt >>共 7
declare 86.49%
make 5.41%
find 3.24%
leave 3.24%
call 0.54%
consider 0.54%
like 0.54%
declare + a. >>共 313
dead 9.06%
bankrupt 7.87%
unconstitutional 6.69%
illegal 6.55%
ineligible 4.58%
invalid 3.10%
off-limits 3.05%
ready 3.00%
unfit 2.76%
eligible 2.56%
每页显示:    共 159