81.   Her remarks went beyond the official U.S. policy, which maintains only that statehood is a matter for the Israelis and the Palestinians to decide for themselves.

82.   How come everything has been decided for us?

83.   How well they can coexist in the middle of the key will not be decided for some time.

84.   Homeowners have to decide for themselves whether they really want to spend the money to protect against a catastrophe that might never happen.

85.   I hope people will go and see this well-conceived and finely executed production and decide for themselves how well he has succeeded.

86.   If smokers, for instance, would be aware whom their smoking is affecting, then decide for themselves when and where to smoke.

87.   If the judge decides for the consumer he will specify the award amount.

88.   In a separate concurring opinion Wednesday, Justice John Paul Stevens objected that the case could easily have been decided for the government without re-examining the Halper decision.

89.   In another case, a patient insisted on seeing a physical therapist who, she decided for unspecified reasons, was uniquely qualified to treat her back problems.

90.   In general, schools are left to decide for themselves, and elementary schools without recess can be found from Chicago to Fairfax County, Va.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
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decide + p. >>共 66
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