81.   But the debate took on a political dimension last month with the surprise negative vote by two pro-China groupings who were until then in favor of the project.

82.   Dini said he did not know when that parliamentary debate would take place.

83.   Foreign journalists who were allowed to the opening of the session were later told to leave and the debate took place behind closed doors.

84.   Western diplomatic sources said a special debate could take place Thursday.

85.   It was not certain when the debate would take place, but it was not expected to start Wednesday.

86.   The debate has taken on a new dimension since allegations Thursday from former Basque socialist leader Ricardo Damborenea.

87.   The debate has taken on a fresh urgency in the wake of the Oklahoma blast.

88.   The debate took eight hours.

89.   The government daily said extensive debate took place Monday on the bill.

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debate + v. >>共 457
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