81.   He used to sit and debate the issues with voters.

82.   He is known to have pitted aides against one another, watching them debate issues as he made up his mind.

83.   Historians have debated the issue, and speculation has long centered on deliberate poisoning.

84.   However, the issue is being debated in full-page ads in Roll Call and The Hill, tabloids that cover the congressional community.

85.   Hundreds of those people stood outside the Parliament on Tuesday debating the issue in the streets as police struggled to keep order.

86.   Ideally, CEOs would share a stage to discuss or debate issues, said Comdex spokeswoman Lonergan.

87.   I think TACO is going to have to debate this issue.

88.   In a meeting at the Pentagon Wednesday, officials debated the issue, according to an official that participated in the high-level deliberations.

89.   If you had to debate the issue of talent dilution, all the evidence you need is right here.

90.   In high school in Nevada, Mo., when other boys played football and basketball, he lived to play tennis and to debate issues.

v. + issue >>共 583
discuss 13.43%
raise 10.53%
address 7.69%
take 4.48%
resolve 4.12%
settle 2.67%
study 2.02%
debate 1.95%
tackle 1.59%
decide 1.57%
debate + n. >>共 489
issue 16.18%
bill 5.83%
proposal 3.31%
merit 3.12%
measure 2.89%
legislation 2.75%
motion 2.00%
plan 1.82%
amendment 1.77%
reform 1.72%
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