81.   The deal allows Congolese President Joseph Kabila to remain in his post and makes Bemba prime minister in an interim government.

82.   The deal allows the Iraqis to sell a certain amount of oil to buy food and medicines for the hard hit population.

83.   The deal allows unarmed rebels to enter government-held areas and permits the government to intercept unidentified or suspicious boats that may be carrying arms.

84.   The deal will allow the company to shift some of its cost base to Europe.

85.   The deal would allow Ansett to sell tickets on four weekly Australia-Korea flights.

86.   The deal would allow the EU to borrow NATO facilities for military operations, but give Turkey, an alliance member, the right to block some of them.

87.   The deal would have allowed any Japanese in the North to return via a third country without Pyongyang having to admit wrongdoing.

88.   The deals allow central banks to borrow foreign currency in the short term, repaying it with their domestic currency at a later date.

89.   The deal allowed either party to walk away, Schneider says, at designated points in the development.

90.   The deal does not allow her to sell foreign broadcast rights.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
government 4.18%
bill 2.26%
rule 2.06%
agreement 1.94%
system 1.84%
authority 1.36%
program 1.31%
technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
deal 0.84%
deal + v. >>共 711
be 29.46%
fall 3.55%
go 3.14%
give 3.00%
come 2.71%
have 2.57%
include 2.39%
make 2.03%
allow 1.52%
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