81.   On the radio, government officials urged Haitians to mobilize against any coup plots.

82.   Police foiled a coup plot by a group of decommissioned soldiers just hours before they planned to assassinate top government officials, a private Haitian radio station reported Sunday.

83.   President Nelson Mandela on Friday appointed a three-member judicial commission to investigate a military report of a possible coup plot.

84.   Rights groups called the coup plot trial a ruse to silence opposition figures and delay promised moves toward democratic elections.

85.   Ruling party claims to foil coup plot.

86.   Rumors of a military coup plot have swirled around Lima in recent days.

87.   Simeon said police have detained several other people in connection with the coup plot, but he would not say how many.

88.   Sinzoyiheba, also defense minister under Ntibantunganya, helped plot the coup.

89.   The alleged coup plot first surfaced publicly last week in media reports, and Mandela announced the investigation of the three-judge panel last Friday.

90.   The bustling capital of Freetown was calm Tuesday following news of the coup plot, and state radio urged people not to fear for their security.

n. + plot >>共 216
coup 16.41%
assassination 14.47%
bomb 8.96%
murder 6.80%
terror 3.56%
cemetery 2.92%
government 2.27%
movie 2.27%
extortion 2.16%
millennium 1.73%
coup + n. >>共 91
attempt 39.95%
leader 26.41%
plot 9.40%
plotter 7.85%
rumor 2.54%
bid 2.23%
supporter 0.99%
suspect 0.68%
report 0.62%
threat 0.49%
每页显示:    共 151