81.   Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Thursday that his country would recognize the state of Israel when there is a total peace agreement in the Middle East.

82.   The Belgian bill will only permit weddings to same-sex partners whose own countries recognize gay marriages.

83.   The four countries all recognize the rival Chinese government in Beijing.

84.   The Kremlin insists the Muslim republic remains a part of Russia, and no country has recognized Chechnya as independent.

85.   The two countries recognized each other last year.

86.   The two countries recognized each other soon after their respective independence proclamations.

87.   The two countries recognized each other two months ago, but enmity born of their rivalry still burdens ties and progress on normalizing relations has been slow.

88.   The two countries have since recognized each other.

89.   Though no country has recognized its independence, Chechnya asserts it is at sovereign nation and defies Moscow.

90.   Thirty-one countries recognize Taipei, but that number is expected to dwindle.

n. + recognize >>共 691
government 5.98%
people 5.86%
country 4.50%
official 2.77%
state 2.57%
court 2.41%
company 2.13%
fan 1.65%
leader 1.57%
law 1.45%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
recognize 0.41%
每页显示:    共 111