81.   Duisenberg said some countries had recently expressed interest in giving a heavier weighting to the euro in their reserves, citing China and Pakistan as examples.

82.   During the conference, many poor countries expressed concern that little is known about the effect of direct foreign investment on developing economies with open trade policies.

83.   The spokesman said the countries expressed considerable irritation with France as a democracy for the manner in which it had resumed testing.

84.   There is also no funding, though several countries have expressed an interest in contributing, James Purcell, head of the International Organisation for Migrations, said.

85.   The two countries expressed the hope that a SAARC preferential trading arrangement would come into operation soon.

86.   Three countries were expressing reservations about such a declaration, the sources added.

87.   While European countries have expressed concern that new Croatian offensive begun last week will broaden the conflict, the United States has been more reserved in its criticism.

88.   Italy has refused to let US Stealth fighter-bombers use Italian bases and other countries have expressed reservations about the degree of force.

89.   Ruling out the return of the deportees to Algeria, he noted that several other countries had expressed willingness to receive them.

90.   Scandanavian countries also expressed outrage with Sweden and Norway issuing formal protests.

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