81.   The council took a break Friday night but was expected to return later to the United Nations to continue their discussions.

82.   The council took no action Monday, thereby killing the proposal.

83.   The council took such a move last year after Baghdad refused to allow inspectors access to presidential palaces, which Iraq ruled off limits citing its sovereignty.

84.   The council would take action based on a report by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, it says.

85.   The most important discussion could come Sunday when the council takes up the issue of relaxing restrictions on investing in China.

86.   The resolution adopted Friday goes further, demanding action by all nations and allowing the council to take measures to restore international peace and security.

87.   The statement represented the minimum action the council could have taken, far short of issuing a resolution denouncing the massacres.

88.   There is no chance, however, that the council would take any action opposed by the United States.

89.   There was no indication when the council would take up the issue.

90.   There is no chance, however, that the council will take any action opposed by the United States, such as a clear condemnation of Israel.

n. + take >>共 1201
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council 0.14%
council + v. >>共 635
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meet 3.08%
approve 2.25%
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take 1.94%
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