81.   Cypriot Foreign Minister Alecos Michaelides met PLO chairman Yasser Arafat on Monday and launched an aid programme to help the Palestinians, a correspondent reported.

82.   Correspondents also reported that Chechen separatist forces shot down a Russian helicopter gunship as it flew over a village west of the capital Wednesday.

83.   DRC Foreign Minister Leonard She Okitundu and two other senior officials, flew back to Kinshasa on Friday, an AFP correspondent reported from the DRC capital.

84.   Earlier Saturday, an AFP correspondent in Goma reported fighting involving RPG grenade launchers.

85.   The southerners were trying to halt the advancing troops with extensive air power, and warplanes were flying sorties from Aden airport, an AFP correspondent reported.

86.   The shop of an Islamic preacher in the southern Lebanese Palestinian refugee camp of Ain Helweh was blown up at dawn Wednesday, an AFP correspondent reported.

87.   The television correspondent reported that many animals, mostly cows, had to be fed and some were roaming the streets.

88.   The two non-commissioned officers, Massango Paul and Ngomdandi Manretoing, were released in a brief ceremony at Bonny Camp barracks, an AFP correspondent reported.

89.   The two-storey block was razed to the ground in the blast, an AFP correspondent reported.

90.   There was no immediate confirmation from Grozny of the report, but an AFP correspondent had reported gunfire around the palace.

n. + report >>共 510
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government 2.18%
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station 1.71%
correspondent 0.65%
correspondent + v. >>共 161
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be 5.43%
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