81.   That may be true, said former ATF assistant director Bob Sanders, but he accused the agency of being the least likely to correct its mistakes.

82.   Texans have been trying to correct that mistake for generations.

83.   The Celtics showed other early signs of correcting the mistakes that caused their two-game losing streak.

84.   The election provides an opportunity for the fund to correct its mistakes before they do harm.

85.   The group should correct its mistake on partial birth abortion before it causes more confusion and damage.

86.   The handsomely wrapped gift from Christie and the Bills will buy him some time to correct his mistakes.

87.   The mistake was corrected.

88.   The mistakes were corrected, but not before uncorrected absentee ballots were sent out.

89.   The oil deregulation law was meant to correct the mistakes caused by two decades of price controls.

90.   The mistakes were eventually corrected.

v. + mistake >>共 282
make 67.74%
correct 2.68%
admit 2.53%
avoid 2.51%
repeat 2.19%
realize 1.74%
acknowledge 1.28%
discover 0.91%
catch 0.63%
eliminate 0.57%
correct + n. >>共 428
problem 25.18%
error 6.65%
mistake 6.60%
situation 3.25%
imbalance 2.62%
flaw 1.80%
deficiency 1.70%
report 1.36%
seasoning 1.26%
defect 1.26%
每页显示:    共 135