81.   He said Nguyen Dinh Huy, the main conference organizer, with whom he shared a prison cell, is in bad health.

82.   Hoping to distance the movement from potential unrest, conference organizers urged people to avoid discussing protest plans.

83.   In an attempt to ease complaints of extravagance, conference organizers are discouraging lavish receptions by delegates.

84.   On Thursday, a frustrated Felten said he decided against releasing the information because of the potential for lawsuits against the researchers, their schools and conference organizers.

85.   Representatives of the minority community called on Russian President Vladimir Putin to complete the process, according to a news release by the conference organizers.

86.   Robin Gorna, executive director of the Australian Federation of AIDS organizations and a conference organizer, said another problem with current treatment is it is complicated.

87.   Robin Gorna, executive director of the Australian Federation of AIDS organizations and a conference organizer, said another problem with current treatment is that it is complicated.

88.   The conference organizer said permission was denied after he refused to promise to criticize the Cuban government.

89.   The American conference organizer said permission was denied after he refused to promise to criticize the Cuban government.

90.   The Bush administration is threatening to sit out the meeting if conference organizers insist on bringing up reparations for slavery or a resolution equating Zionism with racism.

n. + organizer >>共 239
race 9.96%
protest 8.70%
conference 7.44%
tournament 6.11%
event 3.92%
rally 3.52%
tour 3.32%
labor 3.12%
parade 2.59%
community 2.39%
conference + n. >>共 437
committee 15.10%
room 11.42%
final 5.08%
game 4.27%
center 4.22%
table 3.68%
tournament 3.04%
participant 2.56%
hall 2.29%
organizer 2.16%
每页显示:    共 111