81.   The opposite was true for a control group of patients pursuing more moderate treatments, many of whom saw their condition worsen over the five years they were followed.

82.   The reaction underscored fears that if the Government is unable to stimulate the economy, conditions may worsen before they improve.

83.   The reaction underscored fears that if the government was unable to stimulate the economy, conditions might worsen before they improve.

84.   The psychiatrists found that his condition might worsen if he was compelled to stand trial.

85.   The tankan survey indicates that the number of company executives who expect business conditions will worsen outstrips those who see them improving.

86.   The survey also showed two-thirds of the survey respondents thought business conditions would worsen in the June survey.

87.   Their conditions in prison worsened, and for the first time they began to worry that they would not survive.

88.   Then, as conditions worsened, she started moving money out of the markets and into cash.

89.   They rescinded that decision Wednesday, when it looked like Florida weather conditions would worsen late in the week.

90.   They were hoping to work through the weekend before weather conditions worsen Sunday night.

n. + worsen >>共 390
situation 17.48%
condition 14.36%
problem 5.59%
crisis 2.99%
violence 2.60%
economy 2.60%
relation 1.95%
health 1.69%
weather 1.62%
shortage 1.36%
condition + v. >>共 492
be 37.84%
improve 7.37%
deteriorate 3.50%
worsen 3.17%
remain 2.37%
make 2.08%
prevail 1.92%
change 1.67%
continue 1.64%
cover 1.25%
每页显示:    共 220