81.   So far, however, conclusive evidence has been elusive.

82.   Since then, the United Nations has on one occasion said it found conclusive evidence of Bosnian government forces firing on their own people.

83.   Starr did not even pretend to have conclusive evidence, new or old.

84.   That is conclusive evidence that this is much more than a labor dispute.

85.   The first conclusive evidence of whether the economy is slowing will come on Friday, when the government is scheduled to issue statistics on job creation in June.

86.   The free-marketeers could not have been pleased by a recent RAND Corp. study that found little conclusive evidence that charters or school vouchers improve education.

87.   The judge said he did not consider the simulation conclusive evidence and will listen to experts from both sides before ruling whether government agents fired at the Davidians.

88.   The limited nature of the settlement prompted many securities industry experts to conclude the inquiry turned up little conclusive evidence of wrongdoing.

89.   The products hit the market before conclusive evidence exists about their benefits or their side effects.

90.   The strong belief is that there is conclusive evidence to prove Rose did, indeed, gamble on major league baseball games.

a. + evidence >>共 460
new 8.46%
scientific 3.64%
further 3.57%
insufficient 3.55%
physical 3.36%
anecdotal 2.91%
sufficient 2.71%
hard 2.41%
clear 1.95%
strong 1.82%
conclusive 1.27%
conclusive + n. >>共 78
evidence 39.64%
proof 17.14%
result 5.88%
link 2.56%
datum 2.05%
answer 1.79%
explanation 1.79%
finding 1.28%
test 1.28%
verdict 1.28%
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