81.   If the computer has the proper equipment and software for generating sounds, Netcruiser will automatically play sound files.

82.   If you think you might want to add a new video or sound card, make sure the computer has enough PCI expansion slots.

83.   If the computer had any doubts about a form, it sent an electronic copy of the form to a human operator for deciphering.

84.   If this were a movie, the Web server would be the star and your computer would have a bit part.

85.   If your computer has a telnet program, you can connect to many boards via the Internet.

86.   If your computer has such a warranty, you may have to take it to an authorized service center for a cleanup.

87.   If not, the BCS computer will have to sort out who is the worthiest opponent among Colorado, Nebraska and Oregon.

88.   If the computer has the power, the digitized images can come to life during the game and make comments or show facial expressions.

89.   In fact, many of them claim to speed things up, because a computer does not have to go to the hard drive for information as often.

90.   In contrast, computers so far have failed to have comparable impact because computers have to interact with human beings.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
computer 0.11%
computer + v. >>共 789
be 20.81%
have 4.31%
do 2.63%
make 2.19%
use 2.08%
become 1.90%
come 1.63%
work 1.63%
go 1.45%
run 1.41%
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