81.   His discourses on the affairs of state tended to be soporific, although no Albany insider would have disputed his ability to grapple with complex issues.

82.   How well will he deal with complex issues?

83.   I see the NCAA writhing in bureaucratic agony over the complex issue of athlete compensation.

84.   However, the study on the complex issue of insurance regulation does zero in on an area of insurance regulation that has had a spotty history in Massachusetts.

85.   I was beginning to glimpse the complex issues at stake.

86.   If Kaczynski is deemed competent, a series of complex new issues would be presented to the judge.

87.   If Kaczynski is deemed competent, a series of complex new issues would be presented to Burrell.

88.   In fact, the complex issue had been pending for more than two years.

89.   In Geneva, a number of complex nuclear issues remain to be settled in addition to the disputes over verification.

90.   In interviews they described pressure from managers to avoid upsetting taxpayers, to overlook complex issues and to close audits quickly.

a. + issue >>共 663
key 3.73%
major 3.06%
important 2.78%
political 2.71%
social 2.44%
sensitive 2.18%
economic 2.17%
contentious 1.91%
environmental 1.85%
new 1.79%
complex 0.68%
complex + n. >>共 1146
issue 4.06%
system 3.07%
problem 2.34%
process 1.93%
case 1.70%
relationship 1.40%
structure 1.38%
question 1.23%
web 1.22%
formula 1.05%
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