81.   Knight said, the company has promoted globalization of its work force as a way to lift wages in many countries.

82.   Rogers said New Zealand companies could also promote cattle embryos as disease free, and as potential suppliers of stock to replace herds which are slaughtered.

83.   She said the company instead promoted men who were less qualified.

84.   The company promotes its products through lectures, magazine articles and limited print advertising.

85.   The company will promote smart tags, text bubbles that appear above a recently typed word and prompt the user for options.

86.   The company promoted the territory on the U-S mainland and in Canada.

87.   The FDA in December sued Lane Labs and its president, Andrew J. Lane, charging that the company illegally promoted and sold the three products.

88.   The company also promotes the device as letting users watch recorded shows without commercials.

89.   The Roy-based company has heavily promoted its new HipZip digital audio player, which debuted in September.

90.   It cited the creative ways that tobacco companies promote their products through sponsorship of popular music acts and sports events and called for a ban of such practices.

n. + promote >>共 641
company 5.28%
government 5.05%
pressure 4.25%
wind 2.27%
group 1.99%
official 1.82%
program 1.64%
step 1.19%
breeze 1.19%
disturbance 1.02%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
promote 0.08%
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