81.   The company closed four plants in Pennsylvania, New York, Colorado and Washington state, President and Chief Executive Peter Haines said.

82.   The company closed its payment service late Wednesday and asked several online retailers to remove links to Flooz from their Web sites.

83.   The company closed its winter engagement at the New York State Theater this past weekend.

84.   The company closed the North Hollywood warehouse to save on personnel costs, but former employees said it would have been better to close the plant after Christmas.

85.   The company has closed all but four and will shut the remainder as soon as contracts expire.

86.   The company has since closed the timber mill, blaming reductions in logging caused by efforts to protect the Mexican spotted owl.

87.   The company has since closed.

88.   The company recently closed its AMF Antioch Lanes in the Northland.

89.   The company will also close four factories in Europe and two in Brazil.

90.   The company will close its Monza plant in Italy.

n. + close >>共 1191
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company + v. >>共 706
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