81.   The governing Solidarity-led coalition has roots in the union movement that brought down the communist regime almost a decade ago.

82.   The governing Solidarity-led coalition has roots in the union movement that eventually grew into a political force that brought down the communist regime almost a decade ago.

83.   The government coalition has a majority of four and is expected to survive.

84.   The government coalition has a majority of four in parliament.

85.   The measure is unlikely to succeed, as the ruling coalition has the votes to strike it down.

86.   The motion is largely symbolic because the ruling coalition has enough votes in Parliament to defeat it when it goes to a vote in the legislature on Tuesday.

87.   The new schedule was adopted Monday in a show-of-hands votes in Parliament, where the government coalition has the majority.

88.   The shaky ruling coalition had no logical or reasonable explanation for detonating the nuclear devices.

89.   The plan still needs to be approved by the parliament, where the coalition has an overwhelming majority.

90.   The ruling coalition has a majority in both houses of Parliament.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
coalition 0.06%
coalition + v. >>共 453
be 11.23%
say 5.40%
have 5.40%
include 3.35%
win 2.39%
hold 1.96%
collapse 1.78%
fall 1.78%
want 1.65%
take 1.18%
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